Wood & Water mini-podcast launches in collaboration with Salmon Youth Centre

‘Meet us after 4’ – mini-podcast release

Wood & Water is delighted to launch a 3-episode mini-podcast series in collaboration with Salmon Youth Centre called ‘Meet us after 4’.  The series launches Salmon Youth Centre podcast which is an invitation to listen into young people’s conversations as they unwind after school.  The first mini-series to come from the Salmon initiative ‘So Near but So Far’ shares young people’s views on the environment, disrupting narratives and bringing new meaning to the issue.

The mini-podcast was created by engaging young people in a debate about environmental issues through anti-racist frames that challenged euro-centric, science and tech heavy understandings of the environment. With a focus on physical encounter with the elements; earth, fire, water and air, the young people listened to and observed their own local area, sharing what they noticed through poetry, social commentary, and music.

The conversation, artwork and music in the series are exclusively the young people’s own. Their thoughts were captured through recording techniques taught to them by the Creative Lab at Ravensbourne university where the young people learnt to use Zoom recorders.  They also honed their beat making skills at the Salmon in-house music studio, and of course developed new and deeper understandings of environmental issues. 

Working with young people is something the team at Wood & Water are passionate about. As you listen to the podcast, take a minute to reflect on the many thoughts, feelings and artistic talents that emerge yet are often unseen.

Please also help bring new meanings to the concept of ‘environmentalism’ by sharing your own thoughts on what the environment means to you. Post artwork, a poem, an image, or a sentence on social media use #sonearbutsofar .

This podcast series was made possible by a collaborative project called ‘Grounded’ which was funded by the Greener Futures Fund and involved Salmon Youth Centre, Wood & Water and Ravensbourne University’s Creative Lab.

Natalie Lartey